4 Time Management Tips to End Long Hours at Work That Actually Works!

end long work hours working woman

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Do you feel like you can never catch up with your tasks? Do you always rush from one thing to another? Are you always late? How can we have so many tools & calendars nowadays, but still overlap our appointments? Long work hours are not only detrimental to our overall wellness, they are also counterproductive and can lead to us dreading the work we once love! I’m here to tell you with my own example that it’s entirely possible to shorten your work hours and even carve out time for your hobby!

Signs you are working way to long:

Ask yourself these questions: When was the last time you are actually enthusiastic to plan an adventure or for your hobby after work or on your day off? Do you feel like having to wind down your stress for the day by turning to alcohol or drugs? Have you been stress eating or not eating? When was the last time you have time you stand up, move and exercise?

If you are hesitant to all the questions, it’s time to learn to create a work-life balance amidst your busy schedule!

At one point in my life, I was crowned by my friends and colleagues as “the queen of being late, no matter what event I go (not a nice name). Just a few years ago, Ii was working 13-14 hours running my multi-6 figures marketing agency until my health plummeted, I was always eating fast food or microwaving something instant.  

We all know that time is the only inventory in the world we cannot get back. I start to wonder why some successful people can own MULTIPLE BUSINESS, yet still find time for exercise and their family and all their hobbies they love? So I decided to investigate and LEVEL UP my time management game. In a few years I managed to run the same agency, and opened another consultancy, but only work 4 hours a day

Before I dive into the principle, there is an important mindset behind managing your time efficiently that is the belief that “you are 100% in control of your time”. If you don’t do something, it’s likely because i) you value your momentary pleasure over what truly matters to achieve your goal or complete your job or ii) you felt like you can’t delegate responsibilities, that you are the only one who is willing and is best at it anyway. Sounds familiar?

Common causes on why people have to work long hours:

  • Pressure to meet deadlines or achieve goals
  • Desire for career advancement or recognition
  • Fear of being replaced or losing job security
  • Financial reasons, such as needing to pay bills or support a family
  • Cultural or societal expectations surrounding work ethic or success
  • Lack of work-life balance or alternative activities to occupy time
  • Personal drive or passion for the work being done
  • Poor time management skills or difficulty prioritizing tasks

These factors can vary from person to person and can be influenced by a variety of external and internal factors. Regardless of the cause, consistently working long hours can have negative effects on physical and mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

4 practical tips to stop long working hours:

First, you have to learn the 4 key time management principles that I’ve put together after taking reference to many time management gurus online and combining my corporate experience:

  1. Time audit
  2. Delete
  3. Planning with leveraged priority
  4. Go-for it
4 key easy practical time management principles


We are always in control of our own time. If we don’t do something it’s because we don’t think it’s a priority, or we value this moment of comfort & pleasure more than what we what to achieve

  • Run a time audit
    • List everything that you have to do next week
    • And then time it (use tool like the Toggl Track app), see where you actually spend your time 
  • Here’s the template that I’ve created for myself and used since the beginning, you can download it!


Before that, my advice is to let go of the “perfectionist mindset” 

  1. For example, if my goal is to get my message to encourage female entreprenuers to level up on Youtube twice a month while i have two jobs, let go of getting my make up perfectly done, or finding the nicest backdrop
  2. Let go of FOMO mindset – anything that does not move your goals forward, like am I going to events or networking that I don’t have to? DROP IT.
  3. Consider the significance* of this item: how long does it matter? Do I have to reply every small Whatspp or email that my client sent me RIGHT AWAY? Will it go away if i don’t answer it?(*Consider a 3-prone approach when deciding on the importance of an event — Urgency how soon does it matter; importance — how much does it matter; significance — how long does it matter)
  4. Delegate – can I find someone to do it cheaper than I do? It might seemed scary at first. As extreme case on how I delegate – I sold half of my agency to a new working partner, so that I can find the time and space to start my new consultancy. It has proven to double my income in 3 short month.

3) PLAN with leveraged priority

I always take at least 15 mins each morning before I dive into my day to plan. Write down everything you have to do on to-do list.

Next, learn to make quick decisions, as an entrepreneur, my major duty is to solve problem & generate profit  i) what are the consequences i don’t it and ii) how long does it take to do it?

  • The definition of Leveraged priority  – zoom out and think of something that makes it faster for you to do the rest. Tip: this might not be on your to-do list, but considered the ROTI – return on time invested. Say spending 10 times to create an email template for standard reply can save you 30 minutes each week on the long run.prioritize

Another example of leverage priority for me is EXERCISING, working out or taking breaks. I will keep the workout no matter how busy, because I know it will give me more energy & sleep better which will make me 20% more productivity the next day.

  • Always plan the happy things in your calendar first to lower your resistance in planning
  • Calendar block your time. I have created a tool that automatically spread things from my to-do list to my calendar to avoid i) items getting lost, ii) avoid doubling the time to enter things into calendar (which is in a separate space) and iii) it also helps me visualise how the tasks fit into my week in a more visual form. Sign up for the free tool!


Going for it, literally means executing! Which is not always the easier part. My biggest tip is CONTROL THE THINGS YOU CAN! Don’t let other excuses get in the way.

Don’t count on motivation because it it fleeting, count on consistency. Waking up on time, showing up consistently are something small and easy that you can definitely control. Sometimes we think that it takes rocket science to get things done, but it doesn’t. Most often, it’s going back to the basic that does the trick.

Another useful tip is, count down from 5,4,3,2,1 (as Mel Robbins has famously put it) to jump into the task before your brain can give any excuses!

I also use Pomodoro Technique (setting a timer for 25 mins) once I decided to get something done. By creating a finite timeslot I’m more focused and productive.

Why you should stop working long hours?

Overall, working long hours can have a range of negative impacts on your health, productivity, and overall well-being:

  1. Negative impact on physical health: Consistently working long hours can have negative effects on your physical health, such as increased risk of heart disease, obesity, and chronic pain. It can also lead to poor sleep quality, which can further impact your overall health and well-being.
  2. Negative impact on mental health: Long hours at work can also take a toll on your mental health, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. It can also impact your relationships with loved ones and your ability to enjoy activities outside of work.
  3. Decreased productivity: While it may seem like working longer hours will increase productivity, research has shown that this is not always the case. Working too many hours can lead to burnout, decreased motivation, and decreased ability to focus, all of which can have a negative impact on your productivity.
  4. Poor work-life balance: Consistently working long hours can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, which is important for your overall well-being. It can impact your ability to spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies and interests, and take care of yourself outside of work.
  5. Missed opportunities to do what you truly love: Spending all your time at work can cause you to miss out on other opportunities in life, such as spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies or interests, or even exploring new career paths. Life is about more than just work, and it’s important to make time for the things that matter most to you.

Other FAQ:

What if I can’t avoid working long hours (at least for now?)

Tips to deal with a long (unbearable) day at work

  • Take breaks: It’s important to give your brain and body a chance to rest and recharge throughout the day. Take a walk, do some stretching, or simply step away from your desk for a few minutes.
  • Prioritize tasks: If you have a lot to do, it can be helpful to prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance. This can help you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Stay hydrated and nourished: Drinking enough water and eating healthy snacks throughout the day can help you stay alert and focused. Avoid relying on caffeine or sugar to keep you going.
  • Manage stress: Long days at work can be stressful, so it’s important to find ways to manage that stress. Deep breathing, meditation, or simply taking a few minutes to clear your mind can all be helpful.
  • Set boundaries: If you find yourself consistently working long hours, it may be time to set some boundaries. This could mean turning off your email notifications after a certain time, or saying no to additional work when you’re already feeling overwhelmed.
  • Make time for self-care: Taking care of yourself outside of work is just as important as taking care of yourself during the work day. Make time for activities that you enjoy, whether that’s exercise, reading, or spending time with loved ones.

Overall, managing long days at work requires a combination of strategies to help you stay focused, energized, and mentally and physically healthy. By prioritizing self-care and finding ways to manage stress, you can improve your overall well-being and productivity both on and off the job.

I hope the tips I shared are useful to improve your overall quality of life and achieve greater success both inside and outside of work., please let me know what other methods are you using!



1 comment on “4 Time Management Tips to End Long Hours at Work That Actually Works!

  1. Wonderful read and a nice level set. I am victim of burnout quite often. These are some good principles to remember

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