15 Female Celebrities & Leaders Quotes on How to Overcome the Fear of Ageing (with humour!)

celebrity and women share tips on ageing

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As women, we are conditioned to feel that ageing is a bad thing. Media, beauty products and services made us felt like all signs of ageing should be removed. All these messages narrative made us believe that we are invisible and irrelevant once we get past our mid-40s. The good news is, the tide is turning, with more women supporting each other, we gain access to resource and help unlike our mother’s generation. In 2023, boomers, Gen Z and millennial together refused to be ignored and we meant it. Forbes just published its first-ever list of women leaders of 50, boosting a list of ultra successive leaders like Kamala Harris, Shonda Rhimes and the Wall Street Cathie Wood “50 Over 50: Women Proving Success Has No Age Limit” literally! 

Refreshing Views from female leaders to overcome the fear of turning 30, 40 or 50!

With the average age of Oscar for Best Actress standing at just below 37 years old for the past 50 years, Michelle Yeong called out ageism in her famous 2023 Oscar acceptance speech. Women are often made invisible or unworthy to look at past the age of 40, especially in Hollywood. Michelle Yeong pointed out that “as the days, years, and numbers get bigger, the opportunities get smaller as well”. Her history-making moment of winning best actress in both the Gold Globe and Oscar in 2023 inspired countless women that dreams do come dream, at whatever age.

  1. “Age should not stop our passion for what we love to do.”
Michelle Yeoh

Her speech empowered ladies starting over, a new business, a new career, quitting her job to go for their dreams… in her late 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s… that do not fit in the stereotype of starting her own family… that your career will only go downhill and you will be invisible after certain age…that you must be “too dominating” if your have a strong career, that’s why you are not in the relationship. That, even my own parents would say to me, by the time your new business took off, you would be a women in her forties (implying that no one cares about your capability as a women as you get older) that even myself believed was true.

2. ‘Ladies, don’t let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime’.

Michelle Yeoh

3. “I’m pro-aging, I am more alive than I’ve ever be, even with COVID around”

Jamie Lee Curtis

“I am 63-years-old. My mother died at 76. My father died at 85. I have no effing time to waste,” she said. “My motto is, ‘If not now, when? And, if not me, who?’ And, that has unleashed me and freed me, and allowed me to do everything I’m doing with zero attachment.” is the essence of the truth that sets you free to manifest your destiny. Carpe diem — seize the day. And I am seizing the day daily because I have no fucking time to waste.”

refreshing views to overcome fear of ageing

4. “You are always at your youngest age now, the number only gets bigger, so enjoy now!”

The Sunny Club

A gentle reminder from me to you we only get older each day. We will forever look back (maybe on our Facebook?) and think, “wow I was so young then”! So you must as well enjoy the present moment. Hahaha!

5. “The beautiful gift of ageing: the things that are unimportant slip away.”

Jamie Lee Curtis

6. “Don’t mess with your face, you will end up regretting it”

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee revealed to Today magazine that she had undergone plastic surgery, including Botox injections in her forehead. While Botox helped to remove the wrinkles, she felt that it gave her an artificial appearance. Lee said she had been through it, and it didn’t work for her. Since then, she had learnt to accept her age and her body gracefully. She worried that people are now fixating on these things instead of focusing on what really matters.

7. “The number itself feels irrelevant to me. I look in the mirror and I see in this face all the life that has occurred”

Lisa Bonet

Despite being in her 40s when she had her second child, Lisa Bonet remained unfazed by it, not letting it bother her in the slightest. (wooo, you go girl, Lisa!)

8. “I eat ‘no’ for breakfast”

Kamala Harris

Vice President and winner of Forbes 50 above 50, Kamala Harris, now 58, has never used her age as a guide for her life plans — not even when others frequently told her “no.” Just like Michelle Yeong, Harris urged women to perceive their age not as a hindrance and encouraged women to pursue their passions at every stage of their lives.

9. “What often happens to people in their 40s… They sort of wake up and think, ‘Oh, I don’t want this, I don’t want this rock ’n’ roll lifestyle so much any more because, you know, our bodies can’t cope.” 

Kate Moss

10. “I combat the craziness by refusing to answer the question”

Penelope Cruz, whenever she is being asked about “are you afraid of ageing”.

Actress Penelope Cruz is no stranger to being asked about ageing as journalists have been asking her since she was 22! Cruz believes that “ageing is something to celebrate.”

11. “You can be stylish at any age”, just look at fashion icon Iris Apfel

Iris Apfel

According to CNBC, the fashion icon commented that she doesn’t concern herself with her age, stating that “age is just a number.” Although she acknowledged that aging can be difficult, stating “getting old ain’t for sissies,” she suggested that one must persevere and patch oneself up when the body starts falling apart.

12. “I just want to always look like myself, even if that’s an older version of myself,” she said. “We have to stop wanting to look like that decade before. We have to stop coveting that. Let it go and embrace it now and really be OK. It’s easy to say, I guess, but that’s the goal.”

Halle Berry

13. “Aging is inevitable, but getting “old” is entirely optional!”

Lisa Levine

14. “I am old and all I have left is time. I don’t mean time to live; I mean free time. Time to fill. Time to kill until time kills me. I walk and walk and think and think.”

Kathleen Rooney, Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk

15. “At a certain age, we learnt to see right through it, and that age is now”

Anna Quindlen

16. “Do not be afraid of hitting your midlife years. As women, we are changing the narrative of what it means to be older women. We are openly discussing the issues that matter to us and affect our lives, such as raising teenagers, ageing parents, menopause… and we’re making sure we get the help and support that our mothers’ generation did not. I honestly feel fitter, happier and healthier in my mid-50s than at any other time in my life. With age comes wisdom and a sense of freedom because you just stop caring what people think. What could be more liberating than that?”

Trish Halpin, Podcast Co-Host, Postcards From Midlife



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