5 Best TED Talks to find your life purpose as a working woman (*voted* by ACTUAL boss ladies!)

Best TED talk to find life purpose for women voted by women

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Did you know that 80% adult are stuck with a job they dislike? As a life coach, interviewer and marketing consultant for women-led brands, I listened to the life stories of many women who know what they want and like, but don’t believe that they have the ability to pursue it. Low self-esteem and self-worth (which affect more women than men) can impact our “we deserve more” belief. Along the same line, we are less likely to stand up and fight for ourselves and might end up dismissing our dreams as “impossible”. Coupled with duties for our kids and family, women’s giving nature make it even harder to find time to look inward for meaning and find ways and time to chase our dreams

It took me 2 years (my story here) to find life purpose and another 2 years to actually pursue it! While the journey of self-exploration might take some time, here are 5 best TED Talks with reviews from our communities’ girl bosses to help you kickstart your journey. I start with the easiest to the deepest one so you can save time from looking elsewhere online!

TED talks about finding your passion with examples

  1. 2 Questions to Uncover Your passion – and Turn it into a Career by Noeline Kirabo
    (219k views on YouTube)

We are often told by our parents that we don’t find our passion until you make enough money, this begs the question: is passion only for the rich?
Does a comfortable job and a comfortable life equal success and fulfillment? Is there a gap between what do you do on a daily basis and what you deeply care about?
Can all passion be turned into a career?
As a colleague drop out (which makes is very difficult for women to find a decent job in Uganda), Noeline Kirabo shared how it actually open up a world of possibilities for her to chase her passion. She is now a social entrepreneur empowering young people in Uganda to turn their passion into profits! 

Cease working and start living! Watch to find out what 2 questions to ask yourself.

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 of 5)
This talk is easy, quick yet comprehensive starter pack to answer the question of life purpose. Illustrated the topic with clear questions and examples, I love this relatively less-watched video because that it’s very easy to understand, touching and funny at the same time. The story about how she helped college dropout Esther who suffered depression as a resulf of dropping out as a result to turn her passion to help other dropouts into an actual social enterprise to educate other teens to make informed decision with dignity is very touching

2. Allow things to unfold and you will find your purpose in life by Peggy Oki 

(4.8m views on YouTube)

What if you don’t ALREADY know our passion?

In her talk, Peggy Oki describes how she initially struggled to find her purpose in life and often felt lost and directionless and ended up discovering her purpose and finding fulfillment in unexpected places. 

Oki emphasizes the importance of being open to new experiences and allowing life to unfold naturally, rather than trying to control or force a particular outcome. Oki also discusses the connection between personal fulfillment and making a positive impact in the world. She believes that people can find meaning and purpose by using their skills and talents to make a difference in the lives of others and the world around them.

Her talk is a reminder for us to do what we love, pursue our interests, even if we don’t know exactly where it will lead us right away. Remember to “follow your heart with visions and actions”!

Oki is currently a surfer, artist, and environmental activist who has dedicated her life using her art and activism to promoting ocean conservation and protecting marine life.

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 of 5)
Peggy Oki is eloquent, easy to understand and definitely refreshing to see with a lot of stunning visuals of the ocean!
She definitely breaks the understanding of a “conventional career”. It is definitely a comforts to know that there are such beautiful people with beautiful heart doing beautiful things in this world.

3. Stop searching for your passion by Terri Trespicio 


Do we only have 1 passion that we have to strive for the rest of our lives?

In her TEDxKC talk, “Stop searching for your passion,” Terri Trespicio argues that the popular advice to “follow your passion” can be misleading and even harmful. Trespicio suggests that people should stop searching for a single, all-consuming passion and instead focus on cultivating their interests and skills.

She encourages people to embrace a “multipotentialite” mindset, in which they recognize that they have many different interests and talents that can be pursued simultaneously.

“You don’t create your life first, and then live it. You create it by living it, not agonizing about it.” Trespicio also emphasizes the importance of taking action and experimenting with different activities and pursuits, rather than waiting for inspiration or a clear sense of direction. 

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 of 5)
Catchy topic, easy to understand, illustrated with her own stories. Terri Trespicio offered another view to makes sense of your life for more personal satisfaction. This is perhaps more relatable to our day-to-day scenarios. 

4. Living beyond limits | Amy Purdy | TEDxOrangeCoast (1.1M)


What if you found your passion and then life throws a tragedy at you so you can no longer pursue it?

Purdy lost both of her legs at the age of 19 due to a rare illness, but she refused to let this setback define her or limit her potential. Amy Purdy and living a life beyond limits. 

Purdy shares her very inspiring story of overcoming adversity by learnning to adapt to her new circumstances and pursue her passions, including snowboarding, which she eventually competed in at the top-ranked Paralympic level. This is definitely not easy, Purdy emphasizes the importance of embracing challenges and using them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

It also prove that if Purdy can do it amidst her circumstances, we should NOT let fear or self-doubt hold us back. She suggests that people should focus on their strengths and find creative solutions to overcome obstacles, rather than dwelling on their limitations.

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 of 5)
Be prepared to be touched! Purdy’s talk is delivered in a stronger emotions as she shared her story where most of us can’t even fathom and yet she overcome. 

I personal think this is a must watch! This truly is a powerful reminder of the human capacity for resilience, perseverance, and personal transformation, and encourages individuals to embrace their own journeys of self-discovery and growth. I have rewatched it a few times when life gets hard.

4. “How to Find and Do Work You Love” by Scott Dinsmore


“Don’t worry about how much you like this job, it’s for your resume”, have you ever got this advice before?

In this talk, Scott Dinsmore shares his personal journey of leaving Fortune 500 job that he hated to pursue work that he loved. Dinsmore emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of one’s career and actively seeking out work that aligns with one’s values, interests, and strengths and embrace uncertainty. He suggests that people should focus on identifying their unique skills and passions, and then seek out opportunities to use those talents in a meaningful way.

View your career as a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, rather than a destination or a fixed set of goals.

Dinsmore also emphasizes the importance of community and the role that relationships can play. 

Dinsmore is the founder of Live Your Legend, a global movement dedicated to helping individuals find and do work they love.

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 of 5)
Dismore’s talk is relatively less “exciting” but it is also more directly related to working ladies who are chained to high-paying jobs in the corporate. 

I like that Dismore included powerful figures like how 80% of adults hate the work they do and brought in the importance of community to be surrounded by a good and passionate people! 

This inspired me to pursue my current job to create this website and contribute more writing to empower more ladies to live their full potential.

Are you already surround yourselves with supportive and like-minded individuals who can offer guidance, inspiration, and accountability. If not, join ours for free here!

5. Should you live for your rĂ©sumĂ© … or your eulogy?

David Brooks’s TED talk on “Should you live for your rĂ©sumĂ©…or your eulogy?” discusses the difference between two types of virtues: rĂ©sumĂ© virtues and eulogy virtues. RĂ©sumĂ© virtues are the skills and achievements that one can list on a rĂ©sumĂ©, such as being a having a high GPA. Eulogy virtues, on the other hand, are the qualities that people remember and value after someone has passed away, such as kindness, bravery, and integrity. Brooks argues that the society tend to require us to focus on the first.

Résumé virtues are important for professional success, eulogy virtues are more important for leading a fulfilling and meaningful life. Brooks thinks that people should focus more on developing their eulogy virtues by cultivating qualities such as humility, generosity, and selflessness.

I think that as we grow older, love, compassion and kindness and cultivating meaningful relationship means more than materialistic success for. What do you think? What kind of life do you want to live?

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌗 (4.5 of 5)
Beautifully and more sophisticately worded. It is also in a more serious tone that take into consideration the society as a whole. 

Extra Bonus 

“How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes”

by Adam Leipzig (6.7M views)

Finding your purpose is about serving others using what you enjoy according to Leipzig. Ask yourself:

1.Who you are
2. What you do
3. Who you do it for
4. What those people want and need
5. How do they change as a result
Leipzig shared his insight and story on the difference between those who live unhappy and happy lives are: those who live a happier lives do things that make other people happy in their career. 

Review: ⭐⭐⭐🌗  (3.5 of 5)
Sharing this bonus review because due to popular demand as its catchy topic brings it 18M views.
I like the new angle Leipzig shared but his presentation is less interesting compared to others and his 5 questions are also relatively harder to understand not as comprehensive. Hence is not our team’s favourite! 


These five TED Talks are my life savers which offer a range of perspectives and advice on finding your life’s purpose. Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or feeling stuck, these talks can inspire and guide you towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Let’s end with a poem shared by Brooks in his talk:

“Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope.

Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith.

Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love.

No virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore we must be saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.”

Reinhold Niebuhr



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