80 Game-changing Self-Love Affirmations to build your self-worth INSTANTLY!

Game changing self-love affirmations to build self-worth

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Self-love affirmations are positive phrases used to challenge the negative or unhelpful thoughts that lowers our self-esteem. They are super easy and can do a lot to your self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence. Low esteem can affect the fundamental belief that YOU MATTER and hence limiting your growth and achievements. If you are like me, someone who’s not born with high self-esteem, it’s definitely worth a try!

What is self esteem? 

Self-esteem is a broader term that encompasses both self-confidence and self-worth. It refers to your overall evaluation of yourself, including your beliefs, feelings, and behaviors in relation to your sense of competence, worthiness, and belonging. 

It can feel like…

“Low self-esteem is the negative self-talk that creeps up in my mind, whispering things like “what’s the point of trying, no one’s gonna care about you” “you’re no good”, “you’re overweight”, “why bother?”, “you don’t have what it takes”, and other similar thoughts.

Self-esteem can be influenced by a variety of factors, including your past experiences, social comparisons, and feedback from others. It can be improved by challenging negative self-talk, setting realistic goals, and building positive relationships with others. 

If we have too high of a self-esteem we will feel entitled and superior to others, making us arrogant and hence overlookign our flaws and make poor decisions.

Low self esteem can…

  • Affect how you Like and value yourself, hence affecting how strive for personal growth
  • Affect how you make assert yourself and decisions 
  • Recognise your strengths
  • Feel able to try new or difficult things
  • Move forgive yourself for mistakes without blaming yourself unfairly
  • Take the time you need for yourself
  • Believe that you matter 
  • Trust that you deserve happiness and take steps to creat it

We must try to have the right amount of self-love and acceptance to help us glow and thrive in life. 

How can I improve my self-esteem?

According research from the mega UK mental health authority mind.org and therapist Amy from verywellmind.com https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/self-esteem/about-self-esteem/

  • Be aware of what you say to yourself.
  • Count your strength
  • Practice self-love by being kind to yourself by recognising what have achieved daily 
  • Focus on the positives about yourself and what happened to you each day
  • Build a support network with good values
  • Setting & Achieve a small goal
  • Do something you are good at and get better at it
  • Look after yourself
  • Practise affirmations or other talking therapy

So let’s begin with understanding the power of affirmation and how to practice it! 

Self-help Gurus Share Interesting Experiences on the Power of Affirmation

Louise Hay, a pioneer in the field of self-help and personal development believed strongly in the power of affirmations. In her book “You Can Heal Your Life”, she explains that affirmations are positive statements that can help to reprogram the subconscious mind and change negative thought patterns. According to Louise Hay, affirmations work by replacing negative self-talk with positive messages, which can help to improve self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote greater happiness and well-being.

Louise Hay’s own life is a testament to the power of affirmations. She grew up in poverty and experienced a difficult childhood, but through her own inner work and the use of affirmations, she was able to turn her life around and become a successful author and motivational speaker. She believed that anyone could achieve success and happiness by using affirmations and focusing on positive thinking.

She believed that affirmations could be used to heal physical and emotional ailments, improve relationships, and achieve success in all areas of life.

Louise Hay, affirmation and personal development pioneer and guru with her quote

Motivational speaker, author and life coach Gabby Bernstein is known for her teachings on spirituality, personal growth, and self-love. She has been a proponent of affirmations throughout her career and has even written a book entitled “The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith”, which explores the power of affirmations and positive thinking.

Gabby Bernstein’s personal story is one of transformation and healing through the use of affirmations. In her early 20s, she struggled with addiction and other personal issues, but she was able to overcome these challenges by turning to spirituality and positive affirmations. Through her own experiences, Gabby Bernstein discovered the power of affirmations and their ability to shift one’s energy and mindset and has helped many to overcome their fears, achieve their goals, and live more fulfilling lives.

Why affirmation can have negative effects in some occasion?

Bear in mind that although much research has shown that after being self-affirmed, people respond to challenges in healthy, productive ways, including better task performance. Research done by Texas A&M Univeristy also demonstrates that self affirmation can lead to deflate motivation and performance if we are self-affirmed and then attempting but failing at a task. It’s crucial to understand that:

  • Just like the practice of positive mindset, it’s just impossible to force ourselves to feel positive in every scenario, especially right after. It’s normal to spend time grieve loss and then gradually becoming positive again. 
  • Also, doing affirmations do not mean you say them and then sit there to wait for things to happen. You have to be realistic and clear about what you want, mix and match affirmations that suit you and take action to support your dream! 

Let’s begin by a list of 80 affirmations that you can customise for yourself.

Feeling weird when you compliment yourself? Try to start by writing down a list of your strengths first! 

First, learn to love yourself by being grateful for who you are. 

Be grateful of your body as an instructor no matter what size and condition of your body. The more you take good care of yourself, the more you will be in love with yourself, and vice versa.

1. I am proud of who I am.

2. I am completed and whole just as I am.

3. I’m loved, I’m worthy, I’m strong

4. I embrace who I am with open arms.

5. I treat myself with kindness and compassion, just as I would to others

6. I’m enough, just as I am

7. I grow and learn each day.

8. I appreciate my body EVERYDAY for it has let me experience life

9. I am in love with my own skin.

10. I am beautiful inside and out.

11. I am full of energy and vitality!

12. I am optimistic and capable!

13. I am feminine and attractive (adjust according to your sexuality)!

14. I am confident to express myself!

15. I am intelligent, creative and always resourceful.

16.  My heart is filled with happiness and fulfillment.

17. I view the world through positive lens. 

18. I count my blessings each day.

19. I am constantly growing and evolving.

20. I use what life has given me to my advantage.

21. I am patient with different seasons of life.

22. I am deserving of success and abundance.

23. I take time to care for my mind, body and spirit each day.

24. I give my best each day.

25. I am deserving of the things I desired and work hard on.

26. I am grateful for the wonderful and amazing things that happen to me.

27. I am fully aligned with what I truly want to do.

28. I wake up empowered each morning.

29. My life is filled with splendid opportunities. 

30. My life flourishes. 

Next, be grateful for your abilities and your achievements. Trust and forgive and accept your past mistake as what makes you a better person each day.

31. Today I’m making a difference in the world, big or small.

32. I am a walking asset providing value to everyone in my life.

32. I stand firm in my power.

33. I am at peace with my decisions.

34. I take pride in my strengths.

35. I radiate positivity and joy wherever I go.

36. I’m glowing in confidence.

37. It’s such a good feeling to ace all my tasks today.

38. I am worthy of respect and admiration.

39. I always come up with ingenious and useful solution.

40. I am ready.

41. I trust myself to make the right decisions for my life.

42. I am confident in my abilities to handle any challenge.

43. I am proud of who I am and how far I have come.

44. I am creating the life of my dreams.

45. I am open to receiving all the good that life has to offer.

46. I am surrounded by love and support from those who mattered.

47. I forgive myself and others. 

48. I am grateful for my past experiences that have shaped me into who I am.

49. I have power over my thoughts and reactions.

50. I feel unstoppable.

51. I have processed my past and grow out of it.

52. There is no problem without a solution.

53. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.

54. I am surrounded by positive and supportive people.

55. I am strong and resilient in the face of adversity.

56. I am confident in my own unique voice and perspective.

57. There is no failure, only progress towards a better direction.

58. I’m focused with my goal and flexible with my approach. 

59. I am treated with respect and admiration from others.

60. I am making a positive impact on the world.

Wish for the best future you can imagine

61. The world is my oyster

62. I am on the right path towards my best future

63. My heart and intuition, together with analytical abilities will take me to the best choice.

64. I am grateful for the love and opportunities that surrounds me.

65. I am a magnet for success.

66. I am SO proud of my accomplishments.

67. I press on for my dreams

68. I trust myself to take risks and try new things.

69. I am known for creating success in my own terms.

70. I receive the best possible life I can ever imagine with open arms.

71. I am popping champagne to celebrate my major milestone!

72. My life is filled with positive energy and good vibrations.

73. I’m surrounded by prosperity and sundance in all areas of my life. 

74. I am known and sought-after for what I do.

75. I am the best at what I do

76. The future is so bright, I am super excited to see how life unfolds each day! 

77. Everything is working out for my highest good.

78. I have exactly what I need to unlock my wildest dream.

79. Success is coming into my life effortlessly.

80. I’m legendary!

Remember to adjust these affirmations according to your level of self-esteem, don’t just blindly repeat them! When you find the affirmations you love, you can shorten them and repeat these affirmations regularly and believe in yourself. You are capable of achieving great things!



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