50 Magical Affirmations to Attract True Love & Romance

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Do you feel impossible to find someone you love or worth creating a family with?
Does the person you love never seemed love you back?
Have you had your heart broken over and over again?

Feeling anxious about not finding that special someone can be disappointing and overwhelming. If you are a girl concerned about her biological clock ticking, this can feel even worse (no kidding, this is exactly how I felt when I just hit 35!).  

Everyone deserves regardless of income, age, gender and race. Logically, we all know that anxiousness and over-worrying are not only counterintuitive, but also paralysing at times, but how do we actually stop worrying? It’s hard to take away our old worrying habit without replacing it with something positive. One of the most effective ways that I’ve used is affirmation. I recall days where I will spend hours worrying that there must be something I’ve missed or that “I’m not good enough” to deserve love, causing me a negative outlook in life. Incorporating affirmations into my daily routine has been a game changer to help me stop worrying what I’ve missed to attract the love and romance I deserve. I have completely shifted into a positive mindset and has since then attracted more and more high quality, positive and genuine men into my life🥂!

dream couple true love romance

It’s time we get into the mindset to ease anxiety, start enjoying our and get into the mindset for love and the relationship of our dreams! Ladies, listen up, by combining strong intentions (feelings and beliefs) with sufficient action to make, we can manifest our desired love, romance, and relationship together!   

Manifesting a lifelong romantic relationship requires a positive mindset and a belief that you are deserving of love and happiness. Affirmations can be the first step into tuning your mind from negative into positive. Here are the key areas you can cover when doing your affirmation:

  • First, define exactly you what want in a relationship. What are the traits of the person you will fall in love with?
  • Understand what contributes to the ideal relationship you want. Visualize your desired outcome
  • Are you acting your part? Look inward, question yourself if you the traits to build a sustainable and healthy relationship; if not, how do you want to improve? 
  • Do you genuinely believe you are worthy of love? If not, understand what limiting beliefs are stopping you?
  • Enjoy your life, take actions and keep an open mind
  • Stay positive in your thinking and behaviour, that in turn, will attract more positive people and things into your life
  • Let go of the control and trust the process!

Let’s hop into the 50 Affirmations to attract love, romance, and a healthy, strong and genuine relationship right now!

20 affirmations to overcome limiting beliefs

(Tips: try to repeat the first section twice for extra strength!)

1. I am worthy of love and affection.

2. I choose love and happiness.

3. I radiate love.

4. I am open to receive abundant love

5. I am blessed by positive, genuine, and capable people who bring to me infinite possibilities.

6. Abundant love surrounds me.

7. I deserve to be cared for.

8. I have the wisdom to tell the good and what’s right for me from the bad.

9. I’m an attractive and lovable person.

10. I am perfect the way I am.

11. I’m strong, brave and beautiful.

12. I accept and embrace my imperfections as it makes me uniquely me.

13. I attract love and positivity into my life.

14. I am open to receiving love in all forms.

15. Life has different seasons, I’m as worthy single or in a relationship.

16. I create my destiny.

17. I am confident about my sexuality

18. I am an amazing individual.

19. I’m aligned with the frequency of love

20. I am loved and appreciated for who I am.

Affirmations for self-love

1. Attracting love begins with self-love.

2. I choose to let go of past hurt and resentment.

3. I love myself for who I am, what I been through and what I have achieved regardless what stage in life I am at

4. I love myself unconditionally

5. I have the ability to let go of the bad habits that are not serving me.

Need more affirmation on self-worth? Click this article.

Affirmations for the right relationship for you

(Not many other blogs talk about it, but No. 11 is CRUCIAL for a healthy relationship!)

1. I am ready to give and receive love

2. I am deserving of a healthy and strong relationship.

3. I am worthy of a loving and fulfilling relationship. 

4. I love the feeling of being in love

5. I can sense love right now.

6. I am ready to meet my soulmate and the love of my life.

7. My partner finds me irresistible.

8. I believe that everyone is on a different timezone and I’m inviting my ideal partner into my life right now.

9. I trust the universe to bring the right person into my life at the right time.

10. I am worthy of a loving and supportive partner.

11. I am confident to turn down what’s not right for me.

12. I am grateful for the best love in my life.

13. I’m giggling with joy as I feel the strong connection with my other half.

14. My partner definitely shares my values and interests, we spend so much quality time together!

15. I have a strong romantic relationship based on trust and mutual respect.

16. I am blessed with a relationship filled with love, laughter, and joy.

17. I am with of a partner who supports and encourages me.

18. I am in a healthy and strong relationship that is loving and fulfilling.

19. I am with a partner who is kind and compassionate.

20. I am grateful that my relationship is based on honesty and open communication.

21. My partner brings out the best in me.

22. I grow with my lifelong romantic partner

23. I am in a relationship filled with adventure and fun.

24. My partner shares my goals and aspirations.

25. I am in a relationship that is filled with peace and harmony.

26. I am attracting a partner who is loyal and committed.

27. I am attracting a relationship that is based on mutual understanding and compromise.

28. I am grateful to have embarked a relationship with my lifelong partner

29. I am building a bright future and a family together with my lifelong loving partner

30. I let go of control and let the universe does its magic.



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