Powerful positive affirmation for women (#4 changed my life in 2 weeks! 

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What is a positive affirmation?

Did you know that studies have widely demonstrated that female has lower levels of self-esteem than males (Zaidi, 2006, Zuckerman et al., 2016)? This is sadly linked to societal beliefs that undervalue traditional female performance and capabilities and place greater emphasis on their physical appearance. Whether you naturally possess a higher or lower level of confidence, I am happy to tell you that you can always learn to train to fill your cup with more practice. One of the best ways I’ve tried is by repeating a set of positive statements, that address the issue I’m facing, with the intention of instilling a more positive set of beliefs or attitudes. 

Why is affirmation beneficial to women in particular?

Women may particularly benefit from affirmation in areas where they have been made to feel inferior or undervalued, such as their appearance, abilities, or societal roles.

Does affirmation work? What do science and my personal experience say?

Overall, while more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which affirmations work and their potential limitations, some studies provide some evidence for the effectiveness of affirmations in promoting positive mental health outcomes:

– Cooke et al.’s 2014 studies on the effects of self-affirmation on health behavior found that affirmations were associated with increases in positive health behaviors, such as dietary change, physical activity, and medication adherence 

– A randomized controlled trial of a self-affirmation intervention for women with breast cancer found that the intervention led to improvements in psychological well-being and quality of life, as well as reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety (Sherman et al., 2009).

– According to Wood et al’s study in 2009 published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, affirmations are found to help improve self-esteem and reduce defensive responses to negative feedback.

I wasn’t born with a lot of natural self-confidence growing up (let alone the part where I was constantly made fun of because of how nerdy I look as a kid). When I just started running a small business as a female entrepreneur in her 20s, I was plagued with serious self-doubt every day. I’m unsure if I’m making good decisions for my company with things I’ve no experience in. I find myself questioning: who am I to teach my staff? Why does every male founder look so much more in control than me? And I often find myself shrinking in a room full of “successful-looking people” during networking events. I dreaded waking up each morning and also found that my insecurities have revealed themselves in the form of aggressive words and impatience toward people around me. It was not a fun time and has really taken a toll on my personal and professional lives.  So when I find out about short affirmations that I can write to address my self-doubt and insecurities, I was like, “why not? sounds easy enough!”

Here are the 7 affirmations that I’ve used covering all areas that I have doubts in my life at that time as a quick example:

– I am confident in myself, and my abilities to research and I’m making every decision based on my best effort and knowledge

– I fully trust in my abilities to achieve my goals

– I am fully capable to learn anything and overcome any challenge that is thrown my way

– I am glowing with positivity and confidence each morning I wake up

– I am deserving of happiness and love

– I am spending blissful time with the love of my life

– I take good care of my health and sleep very well each night

– I am grateful for the financial blessings and success in business coming my way

And in only 2 weeks’ time, I find myself stop having these worries! More business opportunities are coming my way and I managed to have a 30% increase in net profit minus the constant self-doubt that I had (imagine how good that feels). My aura changed and II was visibly happier, even my friends noticed!  

I discovered that affirmation has helped me reprogram negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive, empowering ones. It gives me a boost in self-esteem and confidence to take action and become more productive. (YES, you can’t just say these and then lay in bed all day and expect miracles to come knocking at your door). You can also add more specific (and realistic) ones later on like “I am happily working with client X in May 2023”. 

How to write your own affirmation?

Tempted to try and cultivate a more positive outlook on life? When you are writing your own, be sure to

  • use present tense
  • start with a positive statement as if you have already achieved it “I am” or “I fully trust”
  • make it personal and keep it simple!

Here are more examples for your reference:

10 affirmations to boost confidence for working women:

1. I am fully confident in my abilities, strengths, and learning capacity
2. I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished.
3. I radiate confidence and positivity.
4. I feel good in my own skin.
5. I am resourceful and resilient (this is perfect for my fellow Bossbabes!)
6. I am worthy of success and admiration.
7. I embrace challenges as they are opportunities for great growth.
8. I am good enough and I am deserving of respect
9. I am fearless in pursuing my dreams
10. I stand up for my views with grace and poise.

Here are 10 affirmations for self-esteem for women:

– I love and accept myself unconditionally no matter what mood I’m in and what I’ve encountered

– I am worthy, just as I am
– I focus on my positive qualities and accomplishments.

– Courage is always by my side

– I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace my imperfections.

– I am proud of who I am and what I have to offer.

– I am confident in my unique qualities and strengths.

– I am on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

– I am deserving of self-care and self-love.
– I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

10 affirmations to level up the well-being for women:

– I acknowledge how I feel no matter what (according to my clinical psychologist Beatrice Ng-Kessler)

– I prioritize my mental, physical, and emotional health.

– Joy and ease flow into my life abundantly and I see all my unhappiness and struggle dissolve

– I am mindful of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on the positive.

– I embrace work-life balance, rest, and relaxation.

– The present moment is all I have and I’m living every moment 

– I am surrounded by positive and supportive relationships.

– I am open to new experiences and opportunities for growth.

– I am at peace with myself and my surroundings.

– I am capable of managing stress and challenges.

– I am in the exact place I need to be right now (Quoting some powerful lines from Eckhart Tolle again)

Here are 10 affirmations for body image for women:

– I love and appreciate my body for it has let me experience life 

– I see it as an instrument for all its awesome deeds, not an ornament

– My unique and beautiful physical features are in perfect harmony (I love this!!)

– I feel beautiful, just as I am

– I am confident in my own skin, regardless of societal beauty standards.

– I treat my body with kindness and respect, just as I would treat my best friend

– I nourish myself with healthy food and ample exercise

– I embrace my imperfections and celebrate my individuality.

– I am comfortable in my own body and radiate confidence.

– It’s so much fun to take care of myself and I enjoy it! (I actually said this one to talk myself into starting my skincare routine recently, as I used to find it really boring haha)

Here are 10 affirmations for anxiety for women:

– I am capable of managing my anxiety and regaining control.

– I trust in my own strength and resilience.

– I choose to focus on the present moment and let go of worries about the future.

– I am deserving of peace and calmness.

– I am surrounded by support and love.

– I embrace mindfulness and meditation as tools to manage my anxiety.

– I am capable of overcoming any challenge that comes my way.

– I am confident in my ability to handle whatever life throws at me.

– I am deserving of a life free of anxiety and stress.

– I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on the positive.

I look forward to hearing about the changes you experienced after saying affirmations for 14 days. Try sticking them in the mirror you will look at every morning to make sticking with this habit easier (I did that)!



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