From insecurity to confidence in just 7 steps!

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We all know that confidence enables success. Interestingly, a decade of interviewing impactful artists and founders has taught me that insecurities do not go away even as your money and prestige grow. Embracing your insecurities that come in different stages in our lives will encourage self-reflection, motivates us to make better decision next time. Here are 7 tips to leverage our insecurities and gain confidence for our next step again:

  1. Hold space for yourself, especially your emotions

Creating mental, physical, and emotional space for yourself allows presence, engagement, and care for your team and community. Give yourself space to acknowledge emotions as they happen, not just the positive ones, but the negative ones, the unproductive ones. Make space for them all. It enables you to pause and adjust.

  1. Smile Genuinely

A genuine smile can create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. It not only uplifts your own mood but also diffuses any hostility from others.

  1. Name your strengths and stand tall as you think of them

It’s easy to feel defeated when things don’t go as intended. Don’t forget to reflect on your passions, skills, and accomplishments. Identify what energizes you and where you excel. Your strengths lie at the intersection of what you love and what you’re good at. When a tough task is being thrown at you, those moments will remind you that you have the ability to learn and overcome again. Owning your strengths is crucial in unlocking your full potential. Talk to yourself as if you are your own best friend, don’t talk yourself down!

Now stand tall, hold your head high, project an aura of self-assurance and go get it!

  1. Dress up!

Knock knock, who’s that in the mirror😊✨? Maintain a clean and tidy appearance at the minimal. Next step, discover your own unique style. Buy that dress you have always wanted! 

It’s more than that dopamine rush when you shop for something you love. On a deeper level, dressing well makes you feel put-together, capable, and in control. Humans tend to love things that they spend more effort taking care of, in this case, it’s yourself. Trust me on this one, dress for the life you desire, it will manifest accordingly. 

  1. Find the truth beneath criticism

How does criticism make you feel? STOP⛔ your first reaction if you were to LASH OUT. Remember that not all criticism is valid and helpful and we do not have to take it all in. 

Try to avoid starting your sentence with “no… but I…” instead, listen calmly and be humble. Listen if it helps you grow, if not, drop it and play the game as an observer.

  1. Pursue Your Passions

 I’ve noticed that those who focus on themselves and deeply cultivate their passions have a clear understanding of their own worth. They strive to excel in what they love, enjoying the entire process. As a result, success naturally follows, and they radiate with inner brilliance

  1. Adventure and learn.

Adventure can happen in the form of visiting a new country, learning a new skill or even in a voluntary service helping the underprivileged (check out my story serving the orphans in Mongolia here). Expand your horizons by exploring different places or helping people from different walks of life. Encountering people with different stories will give your perspectives. You might realise your adversities weren’t so bad after all and understand that everyone has their worries and moments of brilliance, there’s no need to feel inferior.

Other FAQ

  • What caused insecurities?
  1. Negative self-talk and self-criticism: Constantly criticizing or putting oneself down can lead to feelings of low self-worth and insecurity.
  2. Comparison to others: Constantly comparing oneself to others, especially on social media, can make people feel inadequate and insecure.
  3. Traumatic or negative past experiences: Unresolved trauma, abuse, or other negative experiences from the past can contribute to insecurities in the present.
  4. Lack of confidence and self-esteem: When people don’t feel confident in their abilities or don’t have a strong sense of self-worth, it can lead to insecurities. So stroll back up the article, recite your list of strength!
  5. Unrealistic societal/media standards: The portrayal of unrealistic beauty, success, and lifestyle standards in media and society can make people feel inadequate and insecure about themselves.
  • Can you be confident and have insecurities?

Of course! Confidence and insecurities can co-exist! For example, during a meeting, I can be confident presenting my creative idea for an upcoming marketing campaign but feeling insecure explaining how we derive at certain results using past data. Insecurities are a natural part of the human experience and can stem from different sources such as the lack of knowledge and experience with certain topics, past traumas, societal pressures, or a lack of self-acceptance and many more. Remember that even the most confident people can experience insecurities in certain areas of their lives, so don’t feel bad!

  • Is insecurity the same as lack of confidence?

Lack of confidence in something can be the cause of insecurity. In general, lack of confidence usually rooted from a low self-esteem which more global and longlasting. Insecurities are specific and can change more rapidly.



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